Friday, September 24, 2021

A Tale Of Two Postings

I’m fairly active on social media sites, looking for things timeshare related obviously. 

The different experience that consumers have and share online is truly stunning. 

I just read a post from a new DVC member. Within 2 hours of posting, it received over 70 comments all using one form of congratulations or another. Not one comment about overpaying. Not one comment about dirty rooms. Not one comment about how they felt they had been lied to, sorry I mean mislead, by their salespeople. 

On another site, someone posted that they were thinking of purchasing a timeshare and were soliciting feedback. Within a day, there were over 130 comments. EVERY SINGLE ONE TELLING THE POSTER TO RUN AWAY AND/OR RESCIND. Every single one. 

I’m not mentioning the developer. You may be able to guess. All that’s important is that it wasn’t DVC. 

It is possible to market and sell good timeshare to the right people. It’s also possible for the developers to run their timeshare in a way that’s both profitable and consumer friendly. 

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