Monday, April 16, 2012

Five and Almost 10 With Sue McNicol

I had the pleasure of meeting Sue McNicol, head of UK Operations for RDO (Resort Development Organization) earlier this year while attending the 2012 TATOC Conference.

What was your first job in timeshare?
From 1994 to 1996, I was working for a travel trade body in the beautiful market town of Ross-on-Wye near the Welsh borders. I really enjoyed the job as I was able to use my French on a daily basis but there was one problem; I was secretly desperate to move back to London as life in the countryside was too quiet! 

I saw my “perfect" job - membership manager for Timeshare Council, the UK timeshare trade body - advertised at an employment agency and was lucky enough to be offered the post. It can't be a bad job, as I'm still here, 16 years down the line, although I’m not responsible for membership any more. Legislation and media relations are more my bag now.
What was the greatest lesson you've ever been taught?

We’re in a constant state of learning right the way through life but for me, one of the most useful pieces of advice came from my sister who told me that you should always reflect before you speak as once you've said something, it's difficult to take it back. She's absolutely right, of course and I've put it to use on many occasions.

Where is your favorite vacation spot?
It has to be Miami Beach. Paul, my husband, and I try to go there every year and after the customary 2 hour delay to get through passport control, love the sun, the beach, the art deco hotels and of course the shopping - a perfect combination.
If you could change one thing about timeshare, what would it be?
Don't hide your light behind a bushel; timeshare is a really great product and although it’s currently having to tackle difficult issues surrounding exit routes, we should never forget that the vast majority of owners love their timeshare holidays! We need to tap into this market of enthusiastic owners so that a new generation of buyers can be found.
What is your favorite color?
Given that the Olympics are taking place in the UK this year, I have to be patriotic and say red, white and blue!
Thanks Sue!  Love her answer about changing one thing in timeshare.
If you would like to be included in this interview series, drop me a line!

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