Friday, April 13, 2012

Five and Almost 10 With...Phil Watson

I met some amazing people last month while attending and speaking at the 2012 TATOC Conference.  Today we're pleased to introduce Phil Watson, CEO of Worldwide Timeshare Hypermarket.

What was your first job in timeshare?
It was such a long time ago now and I forget the name however, I was a liner at an American resort at Myrtle Beach in Carolina. I’m not sure but it may have been called The Myrtle Beach Resort.

What was the greatest lesson you've ever been taught?

That you don’t know it all and that you can never stop learning.

Where is your favorite vacation spot?

South Africa where I did a split holiday of part safari and part beach I had a fantastic experience.

If you could change one thing about timeshare, what would it be?

That the legitimate resale companies were able to work alongside developers in other words ~ stop all the stupid greed factor.
What is your favorite color?

Yellow as it was my house colour when I was at school.

Thanks to Phil for his insights as well as for providing me with some thought provoking direct questions while I was at the conference.  It reinforced my belief that we don't have to agree on EVERYTHING, we simply must learn to agree on the IMPORTANT things.  And on those important things, we do indeed agree.

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