Monday, March 5, 2018

Here’s Your Action Plan

It’s National Consumer Protection Week.

Many of you feel that you’ve been lied to about some, if not all, of the aspects of your timeshare ownership.

I’d venture to guess that most of you don’t know about the American Resort Development Association or ARDA. ARDA is the Washington, DC - based trade association representing the vacation ownership and resort development industries (timeshares.)

ARDA has a Code of Ethics that it’s members (in theory) must adhere to. I’ve written about this Code of Ethics previously. You can read the entire Code of Ethics here:

Since few timeshare owners know about ARDA and fewer still know there’s a Code of Ethics, I thought I’d do you all a huge favor and let you know what to do if you think you’ve been a victim of a member who has violated that Code.

From ARDA’s own website:

Question: What can be done to a member whose actions are in violation of the Code?

Answer: If a member is determined to be in violation of the Code, ARDA may take the following actions:
•    Privately or Publicly Admonish the Member
•    Prepare a Letter of Censure
•    Place the Member on Probation
•    Suspend the Member from ARDA Membership
•    Terminate the Member from ARDA Membership

Question: Who do I contact if I have questions about the Code?

Answer: After reviewing the provisions of the ARDA Ethics Code, if you have questions, please call 407-245-7601 and ask to speak to the ARDA Ethics Administrator, or e-mail

There you have it. Get those phone lines and emails blazing. It’s National Consumer Protection Week. Enough is enough. Don’t be silent. Take back your power.

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