Friday, March 2, 2018

Manhattan Club Update

As you may remember, owners of The Manhattan Club timeshare in New York thought that they were about to receive some long awaited justice when The New York Attorney General got involved in the case.

Alas, this was not the case.

So, I’m passing this information on. YOU NEED TO TAKE ACTION. 

Doug Wasser, attorney who was intimately involved with the AG's case, wants us all to inundate the AG's office with letters, daily if possible.

We need to demand why the case was allowed to be essentially dropped. The Fraud and Misrepresentation were never addressed in the final decision. Owners never received the Offering Plan cited in the agreement. TMC was allowed to use the Power of Attorneys to continue to keep owners in the dark! Now your office has done the same!

The agreement made is totally and completely insufficient. It's a disgrace to the NYS Office of the Attorney General to allow fraudulent sales to occur without resolution for the impacted owners of record during the action!

Send to:
Eric Schneiderman
Attorney General of NYS
The Capitol
Albany, NY 12224-0341

Cite: (Re:)
Court: New York Supreme Court
Index Number:     0451536/2014

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