Thursday, July 23, 2020

Deceit Should Not Be A Badge Of Honor

Yet more news about how Wells Fargo seem to continually treat their customers understatement at best.  

It’s very easy to see how certain consumers, desperate to believe that they didn’t make a mistake years ago by trusting a certain timeshare developer continue to buy more in an attempt to “upgrade” to some level when the newest salesperson they’ll achieve vacation bliss. 

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, three times or seven times, shame on me. 

A company that is deceitful and treats their customers poorly as in the case of Wells Fargo and certain timeshare developers won’t even have the common sense to pretend to be something they’re not. It’s almost as if they wear their poor behavior and the inevitable slap on the wrist in terms of paying a million dollar fine as a badge of honor. 

Pay attention!

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