Tuesday, August 4, 2020

What Are Your 3 Words?

Last week, members of Congress grilled the heads of various tech companies, including Apple’s Tim Cook. 

Virtually overlooked in the proceedings, honestly you could not find a less knowledgeable group of people on tech issues unless you visited a senior living center and even then...was this answer from Mr Cook when talking about how Apple reviews apps for inclusion in the App Store: "It's a rigorous process because we care so deeply about

about privacy, and security, and quality."

Look at those words again.

"Privacy, security, quality"

What’s remarkable to me was that Mr Cook’s three words were not only consumer-centric, but could easily be mistaken for how consumers describe Apple. 

He could have said “profit, transparency and fun” or a variety of words that made it clear he was pandering to the questioning Congressperson or consumers in general. Worse yet, he could have used some jargon designed to confuse people. 

Instead, privacy, security and quality. 

I bring this up to ask timeshare developers this question:  “What three words do your owners and customers use to describe your business?”

If you don’t know the answer, you’re losing business. And if you’re afraid of the answer, you gave a lot of work to do. You no longer control the message, your customers do. 

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