Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Another Warning For Timeshare Owners

certainly hope some of you frustrated timeshare owners are taking the time to read this. 

It’s come to my attention that there’s a Facebook group that’s ostensibly about so-called timeshare cancellation. From what I can ascertain, it’s run by, no surprise, a self-proclaimed timeshare exit company.  They’re not using their name however, but individuals are answering inquiries asking owners to DM/PM them.

While this is troubling enough…if you’re going to run one of these pages, at least have the faith in your company to use the company name, there’s something that’s even more worrisome.

It’s timeshare owners themselves.  The sheer number of people chiming in claiming to have ‘the answer’ is troubling, but nothing in comparison to the misinformation being amplified. 

I can not stress this enough…before you entrust the very serious and very complicated matter of exiting your timeshare, PLEASE do your due diligence.  At the very least, contact your developer but NOT the sales department.  Talk to Owner Services or whatever that department is called at your resort.  Even if they don’t offer a reasonable exit strategy, and most of them don’t, they’ll be able to answer a question.  Check online reviews. E-mail me if you want with a quick question.

If you need a reminder as to why you shouldn’t blindly trust an unknown person with such a serious matter…chances are that’s EXACTLY how you got into your timeshare mess to begin with.

Stay safe.  Stay informed.  And stay tuned…big news for you and The Timeshare Crusader will be announced soon!  

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