Friday, January 14, 2022

Do Better

There’s an article that’s coming out shortly entitled “How To Create A Travel Experience That Keeps People Coming Back For More.”  It got me thinking that timeshare resorts, more often than not, create travel experiences that hinder people from coming back. Almost as if they’ve forgotten that they are in the hospitality industry. 

Here are 5 ways that timeshare resorts make things miserable for travelers:

  1. Insisting that owners, exchangers and renters get their parking pass or other such necessity at the woefully misnamed ‘concierge desk’ which is manned by people whose sole purpose is to get the traveler into a sales pitch during their stay. 
  2. If those tactics don’t work, routinely calling, texting, emailing and even knocking on the door to harangue the traveler into attending the sales pitch.  
  3. Bad mouthing or in some cases actively insulting consumers who choose to not purchase or purchase more at the conclusion of the sales pitch. 
  4. Not being respectful of the travelers’ time during the sales pitch. Even though the minimum required time is in writing, a 90 or 120 minute sales pitch oftentimes turns into a half day of high pressure. 
  5. Not allowing the traveler to think about making the purchase, instead insisting that the decision be made now. There’s only one major developer that doesn’t have this insulting and frankly, crazy requirement. 

So, developers-If any of this sounds familiar, change it now. You have a tremendous opportunity to not only do better, but to set yourself apart from other developers who routinely forget they’re in the hospitality industry. 

Do better. 

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