If you spend any amount of time online searching for timeshare issues as I do, you’ll quickly discover that 95% of the posts, comments and blogs fall into two categories: Teeth Gnashers and The Misinformed. Both do more harm than good and both need to go in my opinion.
First, The Teeth Gnashers. These guys complain about everything associated with a timeshare without offering any solutions and without accepting any blame.
Yes, we all realize that there’s much room for improvement in every step of a consumer’s timeshare journey. Merely complaining about the fact that the sales pitch went on for 4 hours, the maintenance fees increased 15% despite the resort being closed for a year due to COVID or the fact that the developer is threatening to foreclose because the owner decided to stop paying on the loan doesn’t do anything. Neither do the tens of thousands of complaints against one or more self-proclaimed exit companies who do nothing except exit money from an owner’s wallet.
All of these are legitimate concerns. Complaining on a social media site does nothing. Neither does donating money to shadowy organizations that claim to ‘work’ for consumers or have ‘close contact’ with lawyers and legislators but can’t offer any proof.
Our Teeth Gnashers also refuse to accept any blame for their actions and heap insults onto anyone, namely me, who dares to point out that it’s foolish to hand over your DL to some peon behind a check in desk, sit in front of 3 or 4 salespeople for 5 hours when it’s clearly written that they’re only required to stay for 2 hours and chooses to ignore multiple warnings against doing business with any entity that initiates contact, instead choosing to believe that they’re the exception and won’t get scammed.
Closely related to The Teeth Gnashers are The Misinformed.
The misinformed don’t know the difference between ARDA and ARDA-ROC, nor understand what ARDA does. Hint: They’re not in business of serving the consumer. The misinformed also have no idea that self-proclaimed exit companies are behind many online sites in a blatant attempt to round up more business. These companies are also behind many articles and online polls, again, to gain personal information and drum up business.
The Misinformed also lack any knowledge of how things work in the real world, preferring to devote time and energy that could be harnessed into a real discussion with the powers that be in the upper echelons of the industry to online shouting about how it’s imperative that the salesperson disclose that the consumer is in for a sales pitch, not an update. Wake up! Who doesn’t already understand that.?!? To say nothing of the fact that it’s all there, albeit in 8 point type, that the consumer is getting the bribe in exchange for their attendance at a presentation that is a solicitation for the interests of a vacation ownership/timeshare. If your time with the industry heavyweights is limited, as mine is, there are much more important issues to discuss.
Our misinformed brethren are also quick to believe nonsense that get spewed out everyday from anyone, and I mean anyone, who is not directly employed by a timeshare developer. They choose to believe that there is only one bad guy, the developer, thereby creating more scams and financial difficulties.
Lastly, the misinformed are quick to tell everyone possible that they know everything about timeshare and worse, favorably compare themselves to saints and martyrs.
What to do?
Use some common sense. Avoid these Teeth Gnashers and Misinformed. Align yourself with people who command respect from both consumers and the industry, as that’s the only way to bring about real change.