Friday, September 6, 2019

Why Do The Good Guys Allow This?

Yet again, a long story from a new timeshare owner who was lied to multiple times. 

Again, I’m redacting the name of the developer as well as the names of the sales staff involved. Perhaps you’ll be able to figure out which “gem” of a developer is at fault. 

We are seniors who went to a "new member update" at the Hard Rock hotel in Stateline, Nevada. Before we went we were told that the reps in this office were really good and would help us to understand our brand new membership (1st lie). The sales rep we met with told us he didn't receive commissions but was a full-time employee of REDACTED DEVELOPER NAME working in customer relations and working for our best interests (2nd lie). He told us that previously he worked in the credit card division of a major bank (can't be sure but this is probably lie #3). He told us that when we signed our original contract we didn't get all the points we were entitled to (4th lie) and that he would make sure we got them (5th lie). He came back with a contract and said not to worry that this "duplicate" contract would just replace the old one (6th lie). He told us a duplicate deposit of $4432 was necessary for the replacement contract (7th lie and fraud) and we would get our original deposit back (8th lie). When we asked for proof that we would get our deposit back he called a "colleague" at REDACTED DEVELOPER NAME (putting him on a speaker so we could hear) who indeed "confirmed" that we would get our original deposit of $4432 back in about 2 to 3 weeks. (9th lie, as well as being totally fraudulent). He told us not to tell the REDACTED DEVELOPER NAME employee who would go through the contract with us anything as this was such a good deal she didn't want it to go through and would probably try to stop us from getting the points that we should have been entitled to in the beginning (10th lie).

We stopped signing the contract in the middle of it and asked to speak to our salesperson again. We told him our concerns about signing the contract and he reassured us that it would just replace the other one and to go ahead and sign it, that everything would be fine - lies, dammed lies too numerous to mention. He told us we could use our points to pay off our maintenance fees (lies). He gave us his phone numbers to contact him (never answered and never responded to any voice messages). So now we have two contracts, huge debt and much higher maintenance fees than we were anticipating.

We contacted the Nevada attorney generals office and spoke to a lawyer there. She told us that there was nothing that could be done - since we signed a contract and have no proof of all the lies we were told. We haven't stopped being depressed about this whole incident and find it very hard to trust anyone or anything.

I simply do not understand why these tactics are allowed in any company or any industry. If I were working for another timeshare developer I would do whatever necessary to separate my company from companies that operate in such a deceitful manner. The more stories like this that come to light, the more the industry as a whole suffers. 

1 comment:

John said...

"We could use our points to pay off our maintenance fees..." Has to be Mr. Flaskey's company. Or maybe I'm wrong.