Monday, May 24, 2021

I’m The Timeshare Crusader

What does that mean?  In a nutshell; “Striving to be a catalyst for positive change in the timeshare industry as well as helping consumers make educated choices. Not affiliated with any timeshare or entity.”

I felt it was necessary to write today’s post because lately I’ve been accused of blaming the consumer and being a mouthpiece for the timeshare industry. 

Let me put it as succinctly as I can for my small contingent of detractors:  YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT. I’ve been at this for 21 years. I’ve seen the good, bad and ugly in the industry and in consumers. Anyone who has read even a tiny fraction of the more than 600 blog posts I’ve written, more than a few pages of the three books I’ve written or co-written or a small number of the more than 300 articles, radio programs and/or television programs I’ve been honored to be included in and still thinks of me as anything else than pro-consumer and unaware of some of the more nefarious tactics still in use by some in the industry is one of two things—-ignorant or biased by their own agenda. 

Does the consumer bear some responsibility for sales pitches that go on for 6 hours?  Yes. Or for finding out that the resale “value” of the $20,000 timeshare they purchased is only $2,000?  Yes. Or for buying yet more timeshare because they were lied to and told that no additional maintenance fees would be charged?  Yes.  

My goal has always been to arm consumers with the basic information they need before they even arrive at a timeshare resort. 99 times out of 100 however, they don’t. And worse yet, they forget Consumer 101 which is that the salesperson has one goal and only one goal…TO SELL SOMETHING. 

Can timeshare be sold with lying?  Yes.  I did it for more than 4 years. Can a consumer expect the salesperson to voluntarily disclose everything about the product, the usage rules, the resale value and/or the fact that the secondary market is awash with similar products at a tiny fraction of “today’s price”?  No. 

It’s pretty simple. The industry is not going to change on its own. It’s just a fact. They’ve been at this for 50 years now. Yes, I worked hand-in-hand with the leader of the timeshare industry in the US to craft the important document “Important Information For Buying A Timeshare And yes, I’m very proud that I’m the first outsider that the industry has worked with in disseminating consumer information. Is it everything consumers need to know?  No.  Are the less than honest salespeople going to voluntarily give it out to their customers?  Again, no. But it’s an important start and there’s absolutely nothing that smacks of me being a mouthpiece for the industry in there. Go ahead, read it. 

This mission that I’m on has never been about me; something that can’t be said about some others who hold themselves out to be the only voice that matters. However, when I’m attacked by those within or outside of the timeshare industry, you can bet I’ll stand up for myself. As will others that respect what I’m doing. 

One more thing, the powers that be in the timeshare industry are, as the old timers say, rolling on the floor laughing over the thought that I’m a mouthpiece for anyone other than myself. 

So now, my cape is straightened, my course is calibrated and I’m flying again. 

Friday, May 7, 2021

Not My Circus

Here’s my comment about the faux controversy some in the advocacy arena have been attempting to drag me down into:

My knowledge, experience and track record speak for themselves. Anyone who thinks for a second that I’m a mouthpiece for the timeshare industry or that I don’t acknowledge the very real damage that’s been inflicted by some dishonest salespeople/managers/organizations is merely showing their ignorance of the complexity of the situation and their arrogance in thinking that they’re the only person with the answers.  

Not my circus, people. Enjoy your peanuts. 

Monday, May 3, 2021

When Consumer Advocacy Is Nothing More Than Ranting...Or Worse

I may have written about this matter before, but since it’s an important issue, I’m tackling it again. 

Just last week I came across yet another “association” that purported to be in business to fight the evil timeshare industry and protect the public. I’m not publishing their name as I have no intention of sending them consumers or their money. If I remember correctly, they wanted $19 a month to access their blog and not much else. Don’t you feel better already knowing that this blog doesn’t cost you a single cent?

This association didn’t divulge their membership numbers or what they’re actually doing to protect consumers from the timeshare developers. They join the ranks of many other groups that can’t even agree among themselves what needs to change to make timeshare better for everyone. 

Being an advocate for positive change in the timeshare industry as has been my stated mission for a number of years now, takes more than just shouting on a platform-social media or other. It takes an understanding of the issues as well as, and this is key, the respect of the key players in the industry. 

Let’s face it; left to their own devices the industry is not going to change. They’re too powerful, too wealthy and been at it for too long. And make no mistake; there are serious issues that need to be addressed to prevent the entire industry to come crashing down which would do irreparable harm to both the good guys in the industry and millions of owners. 

When I worked with ARDA on this important document I expected some positive feedback if for nothing else than the fact that the industry was for the first time ever, acknowledging the whole “oral representations” clause in the contracts, which is at the crux of 95% or more of the problems consumers encounter. 

But instead, it was met with either indifferent silence or out and out anger. 

Why is that?  For the associations and people soliciting money from consumers whether in the form of membership dues or campaigns designed to provide funds for personal gain, it’s a hit to their wallets which in reality is no better than a developer hiding the document because it interferes with putting money in their wallet. 

The other reason for the indifference or anger comes from the misguided notion that all the blame lies with the industry which is just not true. Consumers bear part of the responsibility, whether it’s letting the sales pitch go on for 5 hours, not asking questions, believing the salesperson without verifying anything  or not doing the timeshare math until they’ve returned from vacation. But the minute I have the audacity to suggest that there’s sufficient blame on both sides, I’m accused of being a mouthpiece for the industry, which I’m obviously not. I’ve heard every single lie told by salespeople and I have no tolerance for them. They need to be thrown out of the industry for good. 

I guess my point in this post is this-I’ve  worked a long time to attain my status as The Timeshare Crusader. I’m not affiliated with any company and will remain unaffiliated until I hang my cape up. Until then, keep this in mind...none of the people and questionable associations that purport to be consumer advocates are working with the industry. None of them are even a blip on the industry’s radar. None of them will get a call or an email to discuss a post or a tweet. None of them have addressed an industry event. None of them will be at the industry’s largest and most important event, being held next month. 

None of them but me.