Thursday, December 12, 2019

Can It Get More Deceptive?

It’s almost impossible to believe that this level of deception took place during one sales pitch. However, I have no reason to doubt the authenticity of this saga. 

I’ve redacted the name of the developer in question for purely selfish reasons. I have no interest in receiving a subpoena and this developer has a history of attempting to make things miserable for those individuals who threaten to uncover some of the less consumer friendly practices they routinely employ. They’re a real “gem.”

I purchased "points" with REDACTED the end of August when celebrating a friend's birthday weekend. I was provided misleading and false information by the sales representative into the inducement of purchasing. 

She advised 30,000 points was equivalent to 60,000 points as the value doubles in the first 4 months of the year and that 30,000 points could be transferred to $9,000 to cover the yearly maintenance fees and still have leftover for vacation. My friend was with me at the time and asked over and over specifically about this because it seemed as if we'd then be making money on the points. Melinda, the sales rep, assured us this was true. She also advised I could sell weeks to friends or family to add to the value. 

Lo and behold I've found out almost everything she stated was a lie. It's been 3 months and I've been trying to get out. I paid nearly in full, my entire savings, of $60,000. I'm a single mother to three small children and was not expecting to have to pay maintenance fees as the points were to cover this as I was promised. 

I've now taken out credit against myself to pay an attorney to get me out. I tried to resolve with REDACTED stating I just wanted to give it back and I'll take a hit on the $60k I paid out of pocket just to be free. They were unwilling, despite that it's only been three months and nothing has been used. I'm desperately hoping my attorney will prevail as I don't have the funds to cover the $6,000 in maintenance fees they would be drafting January. It is not what I was promised or told. 

Also, my friend whom was with me was somehow added to my account even though he never signed any paperwork or has relation to me. And REDACTED is attempting to have the responsibility fall on BOTH of us when he never touched a paper or had any dealing with their shady tablet closings. His name is nowhere on the "title". If this doesn't go through I'm hoping not to be forced into foreclosure. As a single mother I regret entirely ever stepping foot into the REDACTED sales presentation. Lesson learned.

While this experience is disgraceful, I’m particularly angered by the fact that the developer refuses to take back the timeshare, despite the fact they have $60,000 in cash. The CEO of this developer is fond of touting the “fact” that they are part of ARDA’s Responsible Exit coalition. Several misinformed media sources parrot what this CEO says, without so much as a follow up question. One reporter was “surprised” when I informed her that this developer charged $1,000 per contract to get out. It seems the CEO neglected to mention that in his attempt to get out his narrative. 

Instances like this clearly illustrate the need for more comprehensive timeshare reform. A 24-hour cooling off period, as some are calling for, would do nothing to prevent these sales tactics. 

Monday, December 9, 2019

Guest Post-DelRay South Shore Club Needs Help

Delray South Shore Club, a timeshare condominium chartered in 1981, is one of the only beachfront properties left available for the average person as an economical vacation on the east coast of Florida. 2019 has seen a concentrated effort by speculators to sell this property to a developer despite the owners wishes to remain a timeshare resort.

In 2017 the BOD solicited, then received, an owners vote to continue as a timeshare. The scheme to sell the property began after this vote according to investigations by concerned owners.

A long time owner used many methods, including outright fraud to manipulate the BOD and Owners into consenting to terminate the timeshare and sell the beachfront property to developers. 

There is proof and the search of public records, real estate transactions, BOD meeting minutes and media reports reveal a paper trail. There is documentation of the intent to use the legal system, State Agencies and relationships with public officials and developers to obtain this property for their own enrichment. 

The Florida Condo/Timeshare Compliance Division was used by an owner over 20 times to initiate State compliance investigations and paperwork for the Association. In addition, this Owner sued the BOD for information not available to other owners for information on foreclosures and delinquents. This same Owner and an associate were elected to the BOD with questionably fraudulent resumes.

Unsolicited offers for purchase of the property were tendered with the BOD and Owners were not notified for three (3) months.  

Four out of seven BOD purchased auctioned weeks without timely notification to Owners. BOD members also purchased foreclosed intervals, weeks the Owners paid to have legally foreclosed on, from DSSC on information not shared with Owners for $10 to $500 each week.

The resort was sabotaged twice costing the Association over $20,00 in repairs.
This was reported to the Delray Police with the resort manager stating that he believed this occurred because a developer wanted to buy the property. 

Another survey was sent out by the DSSC attorney asking if the Owners wanted to sell with the count still in favor of keeping the resort.

The BOD has a full list of Owners and sends out missives while owners cannot communicate. The BOD consistently failed to make needed renovations and repairs to the property despite Owners payment of required assessments and maintenance fees.

Despite the Owners expressed wishes to remain a timeshare resort the BOD sent out a proxy vote to all owners regarding the termination of the timeshare and sale of the property. The ‘ballot’ cited renovation/repairs in excess of 1.5 mil not based on any contractor quotes. The ballot was confusing with owners having many questions not answered by the BOD. The DSSC attorney, citing a 92% compliance rate stated, an overwhelming consent vote to terminate and sell. The proxy was not sent as required by Florida Law and there is over 5%, actually 12%, of the Owners that do not want to sell

The BOD is now in a ‘trustee’ position. Nothing is being repaired and the Annual Owners Meeting and Elections required by Association bylaws has been cancelled

This property will be sold at below market value to developers that will bulldoze the resort and build multi-level beachfront condos for the wealthy, $5-10 million each.

The BOD was not honest and did not fulfill their fuduciary responsibility to Owners, a legally binding responsibility. The BOD misinformed, failed to inform and used outright disinformation to obtain the result they wanted, the termination of the timeshare and sale of the property to their own benefit. The BOD engaged in self dealing to enhance their financial windfall at their own direction.

Four of the Owners have initiated a lawsuit to stop the sale of the property. The suit asks the court to have the BOD return the fraudulently purchased intervals, toss the flawed proxy vote, order continued operations as a condo association for regular people to vacation until settlement of the suitThe court is asked to require the property to be placed on the open market for a fair bid with detailed information for the Owners to decide to sell or stay. 

These developers have money and connections while we ‘regular people’ from all over the country cannot even communicate the real facts nor request support.

Want to know more? See the website at

To help us fight big real estate money contribute to the legal fund at

e-mail with comments:

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Here’s Another Consumer Crying Foul

This is an actual post/complaint which clearly illustrates the fact that some, perhaps too many, consumers are abdicating their responsibility when it comes to timeshare matters. I have redacted the developer’s name because it’s not about them; it’s about the consumer. 

The sales person kept me for about 4 hours and lied to me about the value of the shares and he also said I can cancel it any time and there is nothing to lose (all Lies) to make me buy the package.

The value of the shares were almost 1/10 of what he told me and I have not been able to cancel it either. It is impossible until after the whole price is paid.

He told me I don't need to read the manual because it's boring and he has told me what I need to know, but he hadn't and cost me $US15000 plus months of stress and sleepless nights.

I can't ever forgive them. Don't bother buying these shares, they are only working for their own benefits not yours.

I am having a hard time finding any empathy for consumers who allow themselves to be put in these situations. There are serious problems that need to be addressed in the industry. Addressing this just wastes time and energy. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

4 Ways To Avoid Timeshare Buyer’s Remorse

Do you understand the differences, both legally and usage wise between fixed week, floating week, points, deeded, right to use and deeded in trust?
Is it still affordable if your finances change?

Do you understand how the internal and external exchange program(s) work should you decide to visit somewhere other than where you purchase/own?

Did you purchase for any other reason other than securing vacation accommodations?

In addition to these pointers, I’ve identified 19 must ask questions if you’re considering purchasing a timeshare. It’s a total mystery to me why people spend hours and even weeks researching and comparison shopping a couch, a mattress or even a Bluetooth speaker system but then rely on what the timeshare salesperson says during a high pressure sales presentation that they don’t even want to be on while on vacation. 

There are 9 additional questions to ask if you’re interested in purchasing a timeshare on the secondary market. Cheap timeshares are everywhere.  It’s just as easy to make unwise decisions when the timeshare is $500.  The key is to ask the right questions.

I’ve made these questions available for only $19.99. Your choice...$19.99 or a $20,000 perpetual contract. 

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Most Common Things That Are Misrepresented At A Timeshare Sales Pitch

If you’ve ever sat through a timeshare sales pitch, you know that they can be high pressure. The sales staff has been trained to do one thing and one thing only—-influence you to purchase on the spot. Because of that high pressure, these sales pitches can be laced with, ahem, some misrepresentations. Here are the most common things that are misrepresented at timeshare sales pitches: 

>Price Today vs Price Any Other Time
This is the one that is used the most, often in conjunction with ‘quoting’ some State Statute. If there is such a statute, such as in Florida, it has to do with whatever gifts you’re being bribed with to sit with the salesperson, not the price. Trust me, they’ll take your money tomorrow, next week or next month. 

>Resale Value And Your Ability To Resell
The truth of the matter is that the resale market is awash in timeshares that owners are willing to sell for $1,000 or less. Sales agents simply refuse to disclose that. In some cases, licensed brokers will refuse certain listings because the timeshare literally has NO resale value because of the draconian restrictions placed by the developer in secondary market purchases. 

>Maintenance Fee Relief Programs That Do Not Exist
There are many permutations of this misrepresentation. Suffice it to say you should not purchase additional timeshare under some bizarre plan that you’ll be able to pay off your fees with the points. Read that again, makes no sense, does it?

>The Value of Travel Awards
Again, there are a myriad of promised schemes using timeshare points and the ability to purchase certain travel rewards. Bottom line, buy timeshare only to use as timeshare, not for the promise of being able to use it for airline tickets, etc.

>Stating A Lower Interest Rate Can Be Obtained From A Bank Or Credit Union
In the event you’re smart enough to balk at the ‘convenient’ 15%, 16% or 17% financing the resort will offer you (and you’d be stunned to find out how many people agree to those insane rates), some salespeople will tell you that you can get a personal loan. Wrong. I have yet to find a bank that will finance a timeshare. What are they going to do if you’re foreclosed on?  There is however a reputable source for people with good credit history. Check out 

>Ease Of Ability To Return To Your Home Resort
Unless you purchased a fixed week/fixed unit timeshare, highly doubtful, you’re going to have to make reservations to come back to your home resort. You’ll be battling other owners and owners who are exchanging into your resort for prime season. You had better fully understand exactly when you need to make a reservation and what the process is before you purchase. Don’t rely on the salesperson, talk to other owners. 

>Ease Of Ability To Trade/Exchange
If you think coming back to your home resort takes some doing, it’s nothing compared to attempting to trade or exchange into another resort. In addition to the fee averaging over $200 (!) most owners find out too late that they need to make plans either 12-13 months out or less than 60 days out in order to get what they want. An week in Branson, Missouri is not going to get you Christmas Week in Hawaii. 

Bottom line here is do not do anything in haste. If you’re looking for assistance in determining what’s true and what’s false, figuring out if a timeshare is for you, or like millions of people who already own and no longer want or use what they have, contact me at 

Monday, October 21, 2019

Optics Count

This is the unedited copy off of the Club Wyndham section of, the website for ARDA’s Coalition for Responsible Exit. The coalition is, in their words, “...dedicated to providing useful information for owners who are looking to safely sell, change, cancel or exit their timeshare.”

If you feel that your Club Wyndham timeshare no longer meets your travel needs, Ovation by Wyndham representatives are ready to hear from you — for free. 

*The team can identify a solution based on your unique needs. 
*Ovation by Wyndham will handle the process for you from beginning to end. 
*There’s no pressure to accept an Ovation by Wyndham option. 
*There are NO additional costs or hidden fees. 

Contact a Wyndham Cares representative at 866-948-4690 to learn more about the available options. 

Now, I don’t know about you, but if I was a Wyndham owner who wanted to exit, this clearly gives me a way out. There’s no fine print. No disclaimers. No exceptions noted. Good news, right?

Wrong. At least for more than 100 long time owners of Carriage Hills and Carriage Ridge resorts in Canada who, despite having paid off their times and being current on all maintenance fees are being met with a terse “Sorry, not for you” when they call. 

I’ve received an excellent education on the entire nature from someone with extensive knowledge of this and it is indeed, complicated and a textbook example of a nightmare situation for all involved. I hope to one day bring all the details out in this blog if for nothing else than to illustrate the necessity for consumers to ask in-depth questions before purchasing any timeshare as well as staying involved in the operations and management of the resort. Timeshare is not just about paying for and going on vacation; despite how easy the salesperson makes it sound. 

But let’s return to Club Wyndham’s copy that makes it sound like all you need to do is call. They owe their owners more. Transparency is important. Optics are important. Club Wyndham-FIX THIS. 

Monday, October 7, 2019

Do Timeshare Advocates Advocate For You Or For Themselves?

It seems as if there is a new self-appointed consumer advocate focused on timeshare issues on a weekly basis. This week I found one that has no names associated with it and not even a street address, just “Las Vegas Blvd.”...I mean, come on. 

I’m not at all convinced that these people/organizations/coalitions have the experience/qualifications/motivations necessary for you to throw your belief or money at them. 

I got my start in the timeshare business 20 years ago and even with all that experience, I don’t claim to have all the answers. I also don’t make empty promises or profess that I have thousands of consumers throwing their support, monetary or otherwise, at me. It’s this practice of making empty promises and making it seem as if they’re the “voice” of the timeshare owner that grates on me. 

The fact of the matter is that timeshare owners do not have a unified voice. Many are very happy with their timeshare. Many aren’t. The happy ones aren’t unified. The unhappy ones aren’t unified, in large part because timeshare companies are radically different in the products they offer, how consumers use the products and the fact that there’s no one source of unbiased information. Believe me, I tried back in 2004 when I wrote Timeshare Vacations For Dummieswhich, despite the fact was written as a way to get unbiased information about purchasing, using and selling all matter of timeshare to consumers, failed in its attempt to be a runaway bestseller. 

So while it’s true that I feel the timeshare industry could use some retooling and that the Federal government should set standards and implement legislation, I want you, the consumer to exercise extreme caution when throwing your support behind a self-proclaimed timeshare consumer advocate-including me. Ask questions. Look for real credentials. Delve into their experience. Most importantly, question their motives. 

And whatever you do, don’t blindly follow the advice that so many unhappy timeshare owners are happy to throw out on Facebook pages. Timeshare, financial and legal advice should come from unbiased sources. That means not from the timeshare salesperson and not from an unhappy owner with an axe to grind. 

Friday, September 27, 2019

Billions in Timeshare Rentals Raises Some Questions

A recent timeshare industry survey found that 47% of timeshare resorts are actively using online travel agencies (OTAs) such as VRBO and AirBnB to rent out their inventory. 

Let that number sink in for a minute. Almost half of timeshare resorts rent out their inventory. A savvy consumer could easily stay in lovely timeshare resorts every single year and never have to outlay more than $21,000-the average price of an interval in the US last year. 

Several questions jump out at me from this survey:

>Exactly what inventory is being rented?  It’s impossible to trace a piece of inventory, I.e. a timeshare room to see if it’s owned by the resort or an individual owner.

>Why is the resort allowed to use third party sites such as VRBO to advertise rentals when individual owners of at least one major developer are barred from doing so?

>How much of those 12.1 million nights (!) amounting to $2.4 billion (!) in rentals came from inventory that individual owners are desperately trying to exit from?  In other words, if the owner is not using the timeshare and the developer is making tons of money renting it out, why do they make it nearly impossible for the owner to get out? 

It seems to me that the timeshare industry is at a critical tipping point. If they allow business to continue as it has for the past 40+ years and continue to let the value proposition of owning continue to be eroded, they’re in for a much bigger shake up than the financial crisis of 2008

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Read This Before You Stop Paying Your Maintenance Fees

Today we’re featuring a Guest Post from Scott Montgomery regarding the dangers of not paying your timeshare maintenance fees  We think this is important because so many scam “exit companies” tell consumers to stop paying.  As a notice, nothing here is designed to provide legal advice.

Mr. Montgomery was admitted to the Bar of the State of Missouri and the Federal District Court for the Western District in 1994.  He has substantial first-chair jury trial experience and has obtained individual verdicts and judgments and settlements for his clients in excess of one million dollars. His law firm has recovered tens of millions of dollars for its clients. Access his blog at 

Have you found that your maintenance fees are always increasing and that paying for your timeshare is increasingly difficult? So, what happens to you if you stop paying your timeshare fees?
Here are at least five things that can happen to you if you stop paying the fees called for in your timeshare contract, including the maintenance fees. 
And they are all bad.
1. The resort can send you into collections and you may receive harassing phone calls, communications, and letters.

2. The resort can report you to the credit reporting agencies and ruin or damage your credit.

3. The resort can send you into foreclosure and you can lose the title to your timeshare, and get   stuck with attorney fees and costs of publication of the foreclosure notice. The foreclosure can be placed on your credit report.

4. The resort can file a lawsuit against you for breach of contract and try to recover all of the fees that are owed under the contract by executing on your assets after it obtains a judgment against you. The judgment will likely appear on your credit report android or damage your credit.

5. Not even Death cancels timeshare fees. The person that inherits your timeshare owes the fees. As a creditor, the resort can file a claim against your estate in probate court.

If you were lied to by the resort during your sales presentation, you may have the right to rescind or cancel your timeshare contract. Only a judge or arbitrator can cancel a timeshare contract without the Agreement of the resort.
If you believe that you were lied to you during your sales presentation, you may wish to contact a timeshare attorney experienced in timeshare law who can tell you whether or not you have a case for cancellation or rescission.
The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Some Questions to Ponder

I’ve often said that the timeshare industry seems to operate in an alternate reality from other industries and as such, the “rules” that pertain to other industries seemingly don’t apply, despite the fact that reason and common sense should dictate otherwise. 

Consider these questions:

What other product do you have to pay the seller when you want to give it back, only to have them sell it again to someone else with no differentiation between new and used?

What other industry has created another industry devoted to getting the customer released from the product?  This is NOT like the used car market. 

What other industry sells a product that is clearly not a real estate interest but charges closing costs, real estate taxes and general upkeep?

What other industry markets their product not by extolling the many virtues of it through traditional advertising methods, but by bribing consumers with a product totally unrelated to the product and in any cases, a direct competitor to the product (market timeshare by dangling a cheap hotel stay)?

I believe that the timeshare industry is at a critical tipping point. Their old, outdated marketing methods as well as their product that is perpetual will not work on a younger, savvier consumer. As more inquiries are made into the industry by the media, advocates and the general population, more questions are being raised such as the ones in this post. 

The real question is which timeshare developer is going to take the important first step and change the paradigm?

Friday, September 6, 2019

Why Do The Good Guys Allow This?

Yet again, a long story from a new timeshare owner who was lied to multiple times. 

Again, I’m redacting the name of the developer as well as the names of the sales staff involved. Perhaps you’ll be able to figure out which “gem” of a developer is at fault. 

We are seniors who went to a "new member update" at the Hard Rock hotel in Stateline, Nevada. Before we went we were told that the reps in this office were really good and would help us to understand our brand new membership (1st lie). The sales rep we met with told us he didn't receive commissions but was a full-time employee of REDACTED DEVELOPER NAME working in customer relations and working for our best interests (2nd lie). He told us that previously he worked in the credit card division of a major bank (can't be sure but this is probably lie #3). He told us that when we signed our original contract we didn't get all the points we were entitled to (4th lie) and that he would make sure we got them (5th lie). He came back with a contract and said not to worry that this "duplicate" contract would just replace the old one (6th lie). He told us a duplicate deposit of $4432 was necessary for the replacement contract (7th lie and fraud) and we would get our original deposit back (8th lie). When we asked for proof that we would get our deposit back he called a "colleague" at REDACTED DEVELOPER NAME (putting him on a speaker so we could hear) who indeed "confirmed" that we would get our original deposit of $4432 back in about 2 to 3 weeks. (9th lie, as well as being totally fraudulent). He told us not to tell the REDACTED DEVELOPER NAME employee who would go through the contract with us anything as this was such a good deal she didn't want it to go through and would probably try to stop us from getting the points that we should have been entitled to in the beginning (10th lie).

We stopped signing the contract in the middle of it and asked to speak to our salesperson again. We told him our concerns about signing the contract and he reassured us that it would just replace the other one and to go ahead and sign it, that everything would be fine - lies, dammed lies too numerous to mention. He told us we could use our points to pay off our maintenance fees (lies). He gave us his phone numbers to contact him (never answered and never responded to any voice messages). So now we have two contracts, huge debt and much higher maintenance fees than we were anticipating.

We contacted the Nevada attorney generals office and spoke to a lawyer there. She told us that there was nothing that could be done - since we signed a contract and have no proof of all the lies we were told. We haven't stopped being depressed about this whole incident and find it very hard to trust anyone or anything.

I simply do not understand why these tactics are allowed in any company or any industry. If I were working for another timeshare developer I would do whatever necessary to separate my company from companies that operate in such a deceitful manner. The more stories like this that come to light, the more the industry as a whole suffers. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Long Lasting and Powerful Ether

It’s no surprise that I frequently look around Twitter to see what’s new in the world of timeshare. If you don’t already follow me there, I’m @LisaLooksAt. 

Oftentimes, those of us not engaged in timeshare selling wonder how consumers purchase a pricey timeshare without a good understanding of how it works, what the pros and cons of it are and/or the fact that many timeshares can be purchased on the legitimate secondary market for a tiny fraction of what the developer is charging; which can be a boon provided the consumer both understands and is accepting of the usage restrictions. 

On Sunday I spotted this tweet:

I just became a #WorldMark by #Wyndham #TimeShareOwner today 8.24.19 on my own!!! Yay, I mean I honestly am proud to say I own something besides my car! If I ever have no place to live, I can use always book my timeshare that can last me a few weeks lol 😂Perks of TimeShare

I decided to engage this person by asking a seemingly innocuous question:

Did you buy it from the developer or on the secondary market?

I received this response which clearly indicated to me that she did not have a decent grasp on what she purchased:

Hi, I’m not sure what that means. I would believe I got it directly from the them with my welcome box and they have like a whole sales department. I don’t know the difference

Trying to be helpful and perhaps open her eyes, I sent her this:

All I’m saying is that if you purchased it from the developer, most likely at the resort, you owe it to yourself to check out the secondary market. 99% chance you’ll find what you bought at a tiny fraction of what the developer charged you

Unbelievably I received this response which demonstrated more ether induced giddiness and left me with no doubt that when the ether wore off, say in a year or so, this person will become fodder for the multitude of companies who will promise her a way out of the financial joke she’s dug for herself:

oh gotcha, well based on what I was sold, I think it was explained clearly want I was purchased. Besides the purchase is a peace of mind that I have a place for family/friends to stay anytime as many times they visit me, w/o using my credits on my timeshare.

I have to hand it to her salesperson, this is some long lasting and powerful ether they pumped her with. 

Friday, August 16, 2019

Anatomy of a Timeshare Exit Scam

I pulled this complaint off the Internet. It’s against one of those self-proclaimed exit companies offering a 100% Money Back Guarantee. I’ve redacted the name of the company for two reasons:  First, I don’t need them knocking on my door and secondly, the names of these companies are pretty much interchangeable. Scam companies all operate the same way. 

How many red flags can you find in this tale of woe?

I let REDACTED NAME handle the process of relieving my time share with **** ***** ****** starting back in September of 2017. I chose them due to a 100% money back guarantee and 100% guarantee of relieving the time share with in 18 months. 

I mainly dealt with Anthony "Tony" D***** and at times Robert Mo****. I also spoke with two ladies, Jen and Amy. Over the coarse of time, I spent $44,880 with them and was guaranteed a $97,625.86 return. 

I have received nothing from anybody. They actually did relieve me of my time share, which where paid for, only was paying maintenance fees and membership fees. In stead of **** ***** buying back the time share deeds, REDACTED NAME became the third party and sold the two deeds, I have yet to receive and financials on these, I don't know what they sold them for. I have been told I have to sign a disclosure form about not discussing with the press, newspaper, etc. about the financial returns or anything to deal with **** ***** ******* before finalizing MBO and settlement. I called Tony two weeks ago to follow up on this he doesn't return my calls. I went out and found the complaints with the BBB on this company and realized I am not the only person going through the same thing. I tried calling them on Monday and Wednesday last week and no one would answer the phones. On Thursday last week, all phone are now disconnected. There is no doubt this company turned out to be scam artist. In order to be so convincing, they had to have real estate license and work for a timeshare company in the past to know everything they knew and to be convincing in the process. 

I don't know if you can get this resolved or not with these people. I don't know if they got caught or closed shop and disappeared. Please help if you can, all I am trying to do is get back what I have spent and a financial settlement on the sale of my two deeds if possible.

Here’s another one:

I entered into a agreement with REDACTED NAME to rid myself of a timeshare. I paid them $1500.00 upfront and was promised that all would be resplosed in 180 days. 

Since I have received numerous phone calls from a Robert M and an Anthony M proclaiming great progress has been made but they needed money for the closing, etc, SI I "studiedly sent them $14,000 plus for this. and to date. 

Anthony M has called me a couple of times informing me that I will be receiving funds in the amount ranging from $27,000 to 41,000. Nothing has happen. And no response to my emails or phones calls.

I know I’ve repeated this many times, but since people kept getting ripped off, I’ll repeat it again:  DO NOT PAY ANYONE UPFRONT TO GET OUT OF OR SELL YOUR TIMESHARE. There are legitimate ways of getting out of a timeshare that you still owe on, but it’s extremely difficult. 

If you don’t owe anything on the timeshare, I’m baffled as to why you’d pay to get out of it. Call your resort. List it for $200. Rent it for the maintenance fees. Anything but paying upfront.